Friday, October 22, 2010

There was once a time...

There was once a time

When problem-solving meant telling your mom

When your parents had all the answers

And all your fears they could make fine

There was once a time

When the small joys of a candy bar

Would make you forget your tears

And make you forgive all who have hurt

There was once a time

When home works were the toughest things around

When getting a few more marks

Was God’s answer to all your prayers

There was once a time

When you wanted to fly a plane

To be an fighter pilot

And soar into the sky.

That time is, however past

Taking away all but some beautiful memories

The world has grown bigger, our hopes smaller

A salute to you – the child in us.


Indrani said...

interesting :)

Srini Iyer said...

pretty good writing :)

Unknown said...

U r right dear. but time does its job. And we all have to.