So goes the song from Enigma...Donno why but listening to this song while applying for job (don't ask me which company! I was in auto-form-fill mode) set me off thinking...The similarity between arranged marriage and job hunt!
After all its a marriage "market" is'nt it? And we are on the look out for full time life long employment...not that I am anti or pro arranged (well does it matter???? If you don't get one on your own you go for the entire choice is a function of circumstances! ???? Did I hear some one call me a loser!!!! Excuse me, I am a pragmatic man of Science who believes in maximizing his opportunity)
Well lets come back...From an early age we are groomed up...Do this, don't do this blah blah blah! Similarly, from first sem, get a good grade etc etc etc...Dont hang out with "rotten" guys/ gals as it may impact your "name"...Similarly, dont hang out with fun ppl as it will impact your grades!
After all years of hard work ( 16-20 year i guess? any one having better idea?), one is ready for the marriage now on the hunt for a prospective groom/bride....If you are from a reputed family, you have less worries...people will come to your house asking for your the meantime, you are always told that affairs is bad as it will impact (again) your reputation! So, you are considered the best marriage material if you don't have any "prior" experience or idea how the opposite sex actually behaves!!!!
Now contrast it with studies (i will stick to engineering as i have direct exposure)...After 3-4 years of slog you look out for job...If you are from good college you have campus placements...Meanwhile, dont work "part time" as it may impact your grades! Then you go ahead and get a job...what are your options ? "Tech" or "Software" (seriously, the person who coined these 2 words and thus permanently divided the dream of an aspiring Indian engineer deserves to be stoned to death...) we go to work out for companies about which we have little idea but lots of expectations!
Then comes the marketing part...In marriages the marketing "Or girl cooks really well" (which means her mom cooks well) or "The guy does not smoke" (seriously, what makes girls think that a guy will answer NO if a stunner is in front of him and that is like the final question of KBC...)... And you always answer the answer people want to hear...we change our profile depending on the relationship we are looking at...Ditto for job search! "I know C and C++" (meaning i managed to somehow pass the course) or that "I was the captain of the class sports team" (Is there a class sports team? Really!)... Come on, if you have a job sitting in front of you, why do you need to tell the truth...technically speaking (as has been said by the wise), not telling the truth is not same as lying...
Finally, the greatest similarity...When a lesser qualified person gets the gal/guy or in our case, the job!!! "She had a affair in college", "He had less grades than me", "He earned less than me"!!!... I just cant help appreciate the beauty of the intricate working of our societal structure!!!
After doing this mental exercise, i felt happy.... inspite of the worst situation, there is hope in this wide open world...I have been a good person (REALLY!!! Why dont you believe me for once!)... I have not besmirched my name anywhere (no cases of felony, drug use blah blah blah)... Also the place from where i come has a reputation....All will be well!
Wait..I did not mean about marriage!!! GRRR...i am talking about getting a job!
Very funny one and quite true to Bedanta.....Nice post :)
Very funny one and quite true *too Bedanta.....Nice post :)
**Sorry for the typo on the previous comment
Maaza aa gaya..:)
Nice Analogy. Liked it.
hahahahhaa awesome comparison :P :D
Thanks for all the comments! I appreciate it :)
what a perfect match made!!!!
Me likey.. more similarities..
Everyone likes to choose/shift to jobs with higher pay.. ;)
Classic.... thats the word!!
Loved the tech and software stuff...
The comparison of both the "problems' is really well thought :)
Nice one :)
Sahi tha sir...
That was a nice post ,,,,,,
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